Counselling Service
The Prostate Cancer Foundation has partnered with leading mental health service and wellbeing provider Raise to provide a 24/7 service to assist men, and those affected by a prostate cancer diagnosis, with comprehensive support in times of emotional distress. To be connected with counselling support tailored to your needs:
Call 0800 735 343; email referrals@raisementalhealth.co.nz or simply submit the online form at the bottom of this page.
Raise was established in 1998 and provides on-call 24/7 telephone support service covering needs assessment, referral and priority access to professional counselling.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation Counselling Service provides four sessions of counselling support per presenting issue, delivered in person, on the phone or via video service such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype. The range of support available covers:
- Trauma
- Grief and loss
- Relationship support
- Wellbeing support
- Anxiety and mood
All practitioners providing counselling through the Prostate Cancer Foundation Counselling Service are registered professionals with a minimum of five years of practice experience. They are located throughout the country and will provide you with support wherever you live, from someone local to you.

Make an Appointment
If you are experiencing emotional distress and feel you might be in need of counselling support email referrals@raisementalhealth.co.nz , call 0800 735 343 or complete the contact form on their website and they will call you to make an appointment. Please note, the form is multi-purpose and may contain questions such as workplace, which may not be relevant for you. If so, just write N/A or similar if the field is marked compulsory.
If you would like further details on the service or have any questions at all, please call the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ on 0800 477 678 or email us info@prostate.org.nz