Contact the Information Service
- Dial 0800 66 0800 toll free from anywhere in New Zealand, Monday to Friday
- Email infoservice@prostate.org.nz
Please include your Name; Email Address; Mobile or Landline, or both; City/Town; and a brief description of your enquiry and how you prefer us to contact you, phone or email.
Please note, if you, or a member of your whanau, are feeling unwell please contact your GP or call the Healthline (Ministry of Health 24/7) 0800 622 116. or if an emergency please call 111.
The Service
The Prostate Cancer Foundation Information Service offers toll free personalised information support for men and those around them affected by a prostate cancer diagnosis. Our trained support operator is available to help you manage prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment information needs, and can assist with referral to trusted providers for emotional, social and other support challenges. Contact us as often as you need, we are here for you with the tools to help you navigate the experience of prostate cancer, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship.
Call the Information Service for help with:
- Understanding and navigating the NZ healthcare system
- Understanding the prostate cancer diagnosis pathway
- Understanding test results
- Understanding surgical procedures and medications
- Understanding radiotherapy and other treatment options
- Information about post-treatment side effects and ways to deal with them
- Alleviating any confusion you may be experiencing that can lead to anxiety
- Improving communication with your healthcare team
- Talking with your family about prostate cancer
- Finding useful resources in the community; or
- Referral to trusted and reliable support services.
Please note, the Information Service only provides information, explanations and signposting. It does not provide medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare specialists for medical advice.
If you, or a member of your whanau, are feeling unwell please contact your GP or call the Healthline (Ministry of Health 24/7) 0800 622 116. or if an emergency please call 111.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ gratefully acknowledges the generous assistance of the Dry July NZ Trust for their support of the Information Service.