Ways To Give


Thank you for choosing to support the Prostate Cancer Foundation. You make a very real difference to the lives of thousands of New Zealand men and their families impacted by prostate cancer. With your help we can continue to provide an environment which empowers men to make informed decisions about prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment; invest in NZ-based research to develop approaches that address the disease at all stages, and improve health outcomes; and provide support to men and their families at a time when they need it the most, with the 0800 Information Line, Support Group network, Online Support Forum, Counselling Service and Welfare Grants Fund.

Regular Giving

Becoming a regular giver with the Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ allows you to have a significant long term impact on the lives of men living with prostate cancer and that of future generations. Your regular support will help ensure continuity of essential services both now and in to the future. You have the power to choose how much or little, and how often you want to give. Donations over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.

Offline Donation

We realise that making an online contribution is not always possible. Here’s how you can make an offline donation.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation is a registered charity (no CC30635) and with no Government funding is reliant on the generosity of New Zealanders to help us in the fight against prostate cancer and, support the thousands of men and their families impacted by it every year. 

Receipts will be issued for all donations, those over $5.00 are tax deductible.

Here are the details you need to make a direct deposit:

Account Name: Prostate Cancer Foundation

Bank: ASB Bank

Account Number: 12 3031 0184117 00

To receive a receipt please include your name as a reference, and email your details to accounts@prostate.org.nz

Likewise please contact email or call us if you have any questions.